Author: evebhutan

Author: evebhutan

Bhutan Pilgrimage Tour
July 31, 2019 Cultural Tours evebhutan

The majority of tourists do “cultural tours” where they visit important destinations. Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Phobjikha, and Jakar are popular destinations. Further afield, the unexplored region of Zhemgang (birders paradise, excellent wildlife viewing) and Eastern Bhutan have just been opened up to tourism. If you are an adventurist and want to explore the unexplored the

Discover Bhutan Tour
July 31, 2019 Cultural Tours evebhutan

Bhutan is a unique country both culturally and environmentally. Perched high in the Himalaya, it is the world’s last remaining Buddhist Kingdom. It has developed the philosophy of Gross National Happiness; where development is measured using a holistic approach of well-being, not just based on gross domestic product. Following are some of districts in Bhutan

Paro Tsechu Tour
July 31, 2019 Festival Tours evebhutan

The Paro Tshechu is one of the biggest festivals in the country. On the first day, all mask dances are held inside the courtyard of the Dzong. In the subsequent days, the courtyard outside the dzong hosts the festival. Contact Us For detailed Itinerary

Thimphu Tsechu Tour
July 31, 2019 Festival Tours evebhutan

Tshechu are annual religious Bhutanese festivals held in each district or dzongkhag of Bhutan on the tenth day of a month of the lunar Tibetan calendar. The month depends on the place. Tshechus are religious festivals of the Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the biggest festivals in the country

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